Busy reading ahead!

We keep saying that we’re going to prepare a spreadsheet that is going to lay out for us all the books that “need” to be read over the next couple of months. Once this spreadsheet is created though, there really needs to be the push to stay on track and follow it! Such a dilemma isn’t it when all these great books keep popping up, like shiny little objects to distract and pull your attention away!

We’ve often written that we start to feel anxious at the growing piles to read. There is just so much coming out that we want to get our hands on!

For most of February and March however, we have our reading lists made for us courtesy of our Wink 3 Book Club, Opinionless Online Book Club and advanced reading books from publishers. For Opinionless, we have 2 author visits to look forward to in March! Details below: (you are also all more than welcome to join us!)


On February 28, the Opinionless Book Club will meet to discuss Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, and while Michelle, Aaron and Jackie have already read and reviewed the book I’m still waffling as to whether or not I’ll read it. Sigh, I’ve been reading a few stinkers so far this year and I don’t want to commit myself to wasting time reading another one. The three Opinionless members have already rated it at only 3 stars with each saying the same thing, opens with a strong and laugh out loud start, tanks in the middle and continues to a dismal, cheese-filled ending. Well, I did make the commitment to read 1Q84 and struggled through, I may pass this one up and just participate in the call for the fun and laughs it will surely bring. Plus, Ernest won’t be joining us, so no worries there. 🙂


And is March really coming up that quickly? We have plenty on the plates to read for this month…

For the Opinionless Book Club, we have a fun-filled month of two author visits!

First up will be Matthew J. Trafford, author of The Divinity Gene. These are short stories and Matthew will join in the Skype discussion on March 20. I believe this will be the first foray in to reading short stories for Jackie and I? Aaron has already jumped the gun and read them all saying they are great and glorious stuff.

Matthew has won the Far Horizons Award for Short Fiction and an honourable mention at the National Magazine Awards and has twice been shortlisted for the CBC Literary Prize. He lives in Toronto, where he works with Deaf college students and performs long-form improv with his brother in their two-person troupe, The Bromos. (taken from Douglas & McIntyre publishers of The Divinity Gene).

Next up is Simon Lelic, author of The Child Who. The Opinionless Book Club will read and chat with Simon on a Sunday afternoon! March 25 is the date and again, the invitation is open to read The Child Who and join us! Way to keep it with the Commonwealth for author visits Aaron! First, a Canadian author Nicole Lundrigan, next will be Matthew J. Trafford and finally British author Lelic. 🙂 Aaron is a major fan of Mr. Lelic’s so this is quite the coup to be given the chance to speak personally with him. (and a great thanks to him for taking the time out on a Sunday afternoon to talk with us!)

For our Wink 3 Book Club, we seemed to have been at an impasse at the last meeting for choosing which book to read for our March meeting…

I’m still really, really hoping the vote goes to The Snow Child! (and I know you do to Jackie!) the other one that is the strongest contender is A Good American, by Alex George. It does look good too, but maybe if I put the picture of The Snow Child up it will sway more votes. 🙂 heehee. It’s Chatelaine’s Book Club choice for March, can it be ours as well?

And finally, (well, no, not really finally, because you know there will be so much more put in there!) is a gorgeous looking book called The Unruly Passions of Eugenie R by Carole DeSanti. We thankfully received this advance reading copy from the publisher, Thomas Allen Ltd. and I cannot wait to lose myself in this story. The cover, the pages, the feel of this book is total luxury.

We’re also still determined to read from our shelves more over the next coming months and we also have many waiting for us from Netgalley that look to be great and wonderful reads! I keep gazing at my shelves and noticing the many, many books patiently waiting for me! Plus there is Book Club Girl’s soon to be announced read-a-long for the Bess Crawford Series by Charles Todd. I’m definitely looking forward to that! Please join me too! It will be fun!

Many other books are coming out in March and in to April…May also has some waiting for us, courtesy of publishers like Thomas Allen and Random House! Thank you! Can’t wait to read and review!